Got new hair band to show off! More are coming in my post, keep watching!!
Last Sunday I traveled an hour to get to Pop Corn! Yes I am talking get to not get haha. It is a local shopping mall here. A very typical one(stuck with chain stores) therefore I could barely get anything there, except 2 pairs of shocks and a box of candies from Log On.
See these words inside the plaza. Take a guess what object it is. Answer will be reveal at the end.
猜得到這些英文字母是什麼嗎?答案在最後。 |
這些不用猜了吧? 可愛! |
I felt not so well that night so I decided the first stop is to get some food for my stomach.
第一站是吃晚餐! |
I ordered this noodle on the menu.
Looks quite good , right? but.... it tastes AWFUL! Believe me or not!?
濃濃的醬湯,嗯... 買相好但味道就.........(留一些空間給你們猜猜哈哈) |
Toast was okay but couldn't finish and need to take away home.
這個多士還好啦 |
These eggs come with toast, good deal right? They were taken away as well haha.
只吃一口就打包了 |
At last not the least,
唯一一道能吃完的菜 - 油麥菜!!! |
Next Station is shopping! Go Go Go!!!
肚子填飽了當然是去購得囉~~ |
Things I discovered in Log On,
精美,顏色奪目的手工包包只是$300 @ log on |
忍不住買了這些沒有太大實際用途的香水棒 |
What I got home are,
花 - - - |
我把它們帶回家了 |
and ,
能猜到我買了那對嗎? |
蹬蹬蹬!!是這兩對!! $49各一 |
Not to forget to share with you
哇!!!! |
西瓜頭盔你看過沒??? |
I always fond of hair accessories somehow I manage to get new styles almost every week. After Pop Corn I got 4 hairbands, 1 ring and 1 hair clip. The accessory shop is located in Tsim Sha Tsui and almost 80% goods are $50 for 3 pieces. Very good bargain isn't it?
check it out more !
$50 3件,買了但發現自己不會用呢 |
花花介指,耳環,胸針x2 |
Okay, this is all I am sharing with you guys tonight, and one more thing! Nuffnang has insert ads on my blog!! Please show your support to click on the ads on right side of the blog and the bottom of my newest post!
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here Thanks!
多士 油麥菜
回覆刪除娘惹,算係指馬來西亞華裔女士,但係單指早期,大約明朝時期已經移民左去嘅華裔女士,近代先去嘅華僑唔可以算係娘惹。 娘惹煮餸好叻,所以,馬來西亞菜入面有一種係娘惹菜。
回覆刪除哈哈,原本係咁,thanks shizubi